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Ryan D Wolf

Associate Therapist

Office Locations: Pensacola Therapy & Psychiatry Clinic, Tallahassee Therapy & Psychiatry Clinic,

Certifications: Certified in: Neuropsychotherapy (NPT-C), Clinical Trauma Treatment - Level 1 (CCT-PT), Solution Focused Therapy (SFT-PT), and ADHD Assessment & Treatment (ADHD-PT) · Also highly qualified in CBT, ACT, Trauma Informed Care, Schema Therapy and Adaptive Disclosure.,

Education: University of North Alabama and the University of Southern California

Degree(s): Bachelors in Social Work, Masters In Clinical Social Work (Mental Health and Substance Abuse with sub concentration in Military Members and Families)

Language(s): English

About Ryan D Wolf

Ryan Wolf is a Registered Clinical Social Work Intern with over 8 years of experience in the Mental Health field and 32 years of service in Psychological Operations. He is a 100% Disabled Combat Veteran who served from 1992 to 2005. During his time in the US Air Force, Ryan worked in Joint Service throughout his career until injuries forced him to retire after 13 years of service.

Ryan specializes in trauma, particularly when working with Military Members, their families, and First Responders. However, he is equally dedicated to working with all individuals, especially those navigating Personality Disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder. As a published author, Ryan developed a concept he calls Non-Inclusive Moral Injury, which provides a framework for addressing PTSD and Moral Injury beyond predominant religious-based treatments. This approach enables individuals from diverse perspectives to relate to their experiences through the value system of Bushido, or the way of the warrior.

Ryan is a husband, father, grandfather, friend, and mentor to many, and he actively engages with diverse cultural environments. Most importantly, he not only works in the mental health field but also prioritizes his own therapy. Having encountered therapists in the past with whom he couldn’t connect, Ryan strives to build a strong rapport with his clients while respecting that he may not always be the right fit.

What to expect: someone like you, no big words, obviously genuine concern about your battles, and a sincere desire to not see you suffer at any time. (I do have a Dad sense of humor with a Veteran mindset as well.)

For your personal research, Ryan is well versed in multiple treatment methods, he focuses on: Adaptive Disclosure, Schema Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Services Offered

Group Therapy

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SHIFT Trauma Therapy

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Trauma Therapy

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