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Gender Dysphoria

What is Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is distress from feeling a “mismatch” between your biological sex assigned at birth and your gender identity. Sometimes this dissatisfaction is so significant that it can influence your daily life. In many individuals, gender dysphoria can contribute to feelings of depression or anxiety.

It’s okay to explore your gender identity and to define yourself on your own terms. You may feel male, female, or even non-binary.

To live a life that matches the gender you feel aligned with, you may seek gender affirming care and support through Gender Dysphoria therapy and from medical doctors who specialize in hormonal treatments and gender affirming surgery.

What Are Some Signs Or Symptoms of Gender Dysphoria?

People with gender dysphoria often first make changes to their appearance, behavior, or interests to explore their feelings related to their gender identity.

In adolescents and adults with gender dysphoria, it’s common to:

    • Feel strongly your gender identity is in direct conflict with your biological sex

    • Feel a strong sense of ease when allowed to operate in gender roles that more closely align with your gender identity

    • Try to or have a strong desire to hide physical attributes of your biological sex (such as breast binding or removing facial hair)

    • Have negative associations with or want to get rid of the genitals associated with biological sex

A gender fluid woman smiling while working on her mac and collaborating with a coworker

Affirming Care For Gender Dysphoria

Everyone’s approach to confirming their gender is a uniquely personal one. 

You deserve a holistic and tailored gender dysphoria treatment plan that affirms your gender expression on your terms. 

At Elite DNA Behavioral Health, our Gender Dysphoria therapy team is ready to offer support in many ways:

  • Using your preferred name and pronouns during all therapy sessions
  • Holding no preconceived notions about the outcome of your gender identity exploration or feeling that any outcome is superior to another
  • Supporting you throughout medical affirmation procedures and recovery
  • Providing safe environments and inclusive spaces for exploring your feelings and experiences related to your gender identity
  • Developing coping strategies that you can use when faced with unaccepting people

Your journey will always be supported by appropriate gender dysphoria therapy, and your care plan will include the gender affirmations that most make sense to you. Because of our comprehensive approach, we’ll also address any co-occurrences of mental health issues along the way.

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