As we reflect upon the conclusion of mental health awareness month at Elite DNA, we want to talk about something that doesn’t get talked about enough — the stigma around seeking mental health support — more specifically, that seeking support is far too often seen as a weakness.
It’s unfortunate this stigma surrounding mental health still exists. It’s certainly lessened as society becomes more informed about mental health. But it hasn’t gone away. And often the harshest judgment comes from ourselves when we are feeling signs of anxiety, depression, or hopelessness.
Think about this:
If your car had a flat tire, you wouldn’t worry about other people thinking you’re weak for calling roadside assistance or for using a jack instead of trying to lift the car using just your own body strength, right?
Those examples may seem silly. But it’s exactly what happens when many people consider seeking out mental health support, such as meeting with a psychiatrist or therapist. We might avoid seeking support because we’re afraid of what others would think, or we might judge ourselves as weak for seeking support instead of just “toughing it out” on our own.
The simple truth is, toughing it out only works for so long. And frankly, we’re not always equipped to address our own mental health challenges. We just don’t have the knowledge, skills, or training. For most of us, it’s not even a part of our education, formal or informal. That’s where Elite DNA comes in.
Seeking support from professionals who have the tools and experience to help isn’t a weakness. In fact, it might be one of the strongest and wisest things you can do.
Ready to make a commitment to a happy mind for yourself and those you love? Search for your nearest Elite DNA location in Florida and schedule an appointment today!
Here’s Why Seeking Mental Health Support is a Strength, Not a Weakness

1. Self-Awareness Takes Real Courage
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.” – Lao Tzu.
Taking an honest look at yourself isn’t easy. It takes real courage to see the things in ourselves that make us feel uncomfortable.
It takes even more strength to want to improve those things — and seek help to do so.
Beating ourselves up over our perceived flaws is easy. Everyone does it from time to time without ever thinking about it. In fact, this is the type of action that leads to depression and other mental health issues.
However, sharing those things with someone who can help takes sheer courage. And truly looking at your own reflection – including all your faults and accepting them – is one of the bravest things you will ever do.
Take the first step. Speak with our compassionate team to see how we can help.
Always remember, committing to an unknown journey toward improvement takes courage and strength.
2. Change is Never Easy
“A body in motion will remain in motion until acted upon by an outside force.” – Newton’s First Law of Motion.
The first week of every January, gyms and health clubs are packed. Millions of people sign up and act on their resolutions to get healthy and fit.
By the third week of January, 80% of those people have quit. Fact.
Why? Because change is hard. It’s easier to continue on the same path we’ve been going on, even when it’s not the path we want. For many, change brings stress, anxiety, and genuine discomfort.
Though a few stay true to their commitment, many people who keep going also have outside help; a personal trainer, a workout buddy – someone who can cheer them on and help them make progress.
In other words, an outside force can help us change direction.
It takes strength and energy to change your path. Talking with a therapist, adding an “outside force” isn’t a step toward weakness. It’s the first step down that new path of change.
3. Investment in Yourself Takes Strength
We’re responsible for so many people and things in our daily lives; our jobs, our significant others, our kids, and even our pets. Lawns need mowing, reports need completing, lightbulbs need replacing, and that thing on the end of the driveway needs to be repaired – whatever it is.
The list is endless.
It’s scary to even think about disrupting that, even briefly. To disrupt it, to move out of your “comfort” zone, to be vulnerable, and to admit you need to invest in your own well-being is an act of tremendous strength.
It might feel selfish, but it’s the furthest thing from it. Investing in yourself is also an investment in everyone you care about. By supporting your own mental well-being, you’re more capable of helping those around you.
4. Opening Yourself to Vulnerability is Courageous
Just the act of looking inward when you’re struggling takes strength. Admitting to yourself that you might not currently be equipped with the skills or knowledge to face a particular challenge in the most helpful way takes strength.
Vulnerability, with others or even within ourselves, is not easy. It’s uncomfortable. And it’s very easy to avoid in the age of social media and streaming entertainment. Unlimited distraction from our inner thoughts is only a click away – 24/7.
Sharing your inner struggles, with a mental health professional or support group, is an act of courage.
To willingly look inside yourself for things you might not be comfortable with takes strength. Being vulnerable enough to know you’re not sure how to address those things (yet), and seeking help takes a lot of strength.
5. Building Resilience is Tough
Imagine thinking “I’m going hike five miles today” if you’ve never hiked before.
You head out excited, only to find you’re exhausted after the first mile. You’ll likely feel like you let yourself down, and you may even be a bit disappointed in yourself.
But if you’ve never hiked before, your body hasn’t built up the endurance required for a five-mile hike … yet.
Your muscles must get stronger. Your ability to keep going needs to expand. You need to become resilient to all the forces telling you to stop.
It takes time, patience, and diligence. Those one-mile hikes turn into two miles, then three, and then four. Before long, you’re hiking those five miles and more.
Seeking support from a mental health professional is making a commitment to time, development, and patience. Finding better ways to deal with challenges, and become capable of facing bigger challenges, doesn’t happen with one session.
It takes strength to put in the work – to look beyond the “quick fix” and engage in a commitment to building something durable and long-lasting.
6. Standing Apart from the Crowd Takes Resolve
It’s unfortunate that stigmas around seeking mental health support still exist. But that doesn’t make them any less real, no matter how inaccurate or unfounded they may be.
The fact is that societal pressures and norms weigh heavily on us – even if we don’t realize it. They subtly alter our perception of the world, and oftentimes, we buy into them without a second thought.
Everyone else thinks it’s a weakness. So why shouldn’t we, right?
Going against the crowd, against those unspoken stigmas – even when you know they’re outdated – can be scary. It takes strength and personal resolve to make that first move, to ignore any unspoken biases from your community, or even your family, and commit to a better “you” – despite the beliefs others may have.
Take one step forward and move beyond the crowd.
7. Proactive Self-Care is an Act of Strength
Most people tend to be reactive rather than proactive. They’ll deal with a challenge after it comes up rather than take action beforehand. Or they’ll wait until a small problem becomes a big problem, and then they must take action.
Taking action before it’s needed can seem like a waste of time, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Proactively taking care of yourself, and learning how to deal with smaller issues before they become bigger issues, is one of the best time investments you can make for yourself. Developing better coping skills before they’re critically needed makes them available when you really need them.
Proactive self-care, addressing your needs before they’re desperately needed takes vision and strength.
8. Taking a Risk and Showing Your Potential Takes Guts
Many people shy away from exploring their potential. It’s easier to think “I bet I could be really good at that” than to actually try it. Trying means risk. It means being uncomfortable as you take those first awkward steps in a new direction.
It’s much easier to believe in your untapped potential than actually exploring and developing it.
If you’re facing difficulties, imagine what you could do if you developed the skills to overcome similar challenges in the future. What new things would you try? What would you explore?
Staying in the same place and never exploring what you might be capable of is easy. Working with someone to remove the roadblocks to your potential is a sign of wisdom and emotional intelligence, and that takes real strength.
Take down your roadblocks and explore what resources are available to you. You’ll be surprised how strong you’ll feel when you do.
9. Setting a Positive Example is Both Strong and Compassionate
In 1954, Roger Bannister did something everyone thought was impossible. He ran a mile in less than four minutes. 46 days later, John Landy did the same thing. Two people accomplished the same feat in less than two months – when no human in history had done it before. Since then, more than 1,700 people have run a mile in less than four minutes.
It’s always harder to be the first to do something – or even just being the first among the people you know and care about. You may feel like you’re opening yourself up to judgment, even though that rarely happens.
But what happens if you have the courage to take that risk and show everyone what you’re made of?
Answer: Doing it gives permission for others to do the same thing – and to feel comfortable doing it as well.
Seeking mental health support lets those around you know it’s okay to do the same. It takes strength to take a step you’re unsure of. But doing so sets a positive example for others. It gives permission for them to do the same — and makes it easier for them to take that same step.
Being the first in your family to go to therapy. It makes it easier for those you love to do the same.
10. Building a Support System Takes Strength
Seeking support from friends and family can feel difficult. It means being vulnerable, and openly admitting there’s something you need help with.
Seeking support from a professional can feel even more difficult.
Building a support system, including professional mental health support, is an investment in strength. Much like the support system of a bridge, your support system can hold you up when you find it difficult to do so.
Building a support system of friends, family members, and knowledgeable professionals takes strength. But it’s also an investment in building your own strength for the future.
Make Therapy, group therapy, and psychiatry a part of your support system. They’ll provide guidance and encouragement on your journey toward better mental health.
At Elite DNA We’ll Help You Find Your Strength
Seeking mental health support is a sign of strength, not weakness. It takes courage to confront challenges and make positive changes in your life. It takes strength to want to move forward and not stay in the same place. And it takes strength to act against the perceived judgments of others, and our own inner judgments, to believe in yourself and know things can be better.
During Mental Health Awareness Month, all of us at Elite DNA encourage you to prioritize your mental health. You’re worth investing in. And we know you have the strength to do it.
Break the stigma and show your strength by getting the help you need. Find your nearest Elite DNA location and book an appointment today!